mercredi 26 juin 2013

Plus de musulmans tués par d’autres musulmans que par Israël (Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin: Will Muslims finally see the writing on the wall ?)

Attention: un bilan peut en cacher un autre !
A l’heure où nos apprentis-sorciers de gouvernants et leurs amis pompiers-pyromanes qataris et saoudiens s’apprêtent à officialiser leur aide financière et militaire …
Aux barbares crieurs de allah akbar de la version syrienne du prétendu « printemps arabe » …
Contre leurs frères ennemis de l’Iran et du Hezbollah pour un bilan qui pourrait se chiffrer en centaines de milliers de victimes …
Et où de son côté l’un des commandants desdites forces d’opposition au régime syrien dénonce (on ne rit pas !) la collusion de l’Etat d’Israël avec l’Iran et ses affidés du Hezbollah …
Remise des pendules à l’heure, avec les chiffres de 2007 du magazine Frontpage, sur le vrai bilan, dans sa propre région du monde, de la religion d’amour de paix et de tolérance …
Qui, comme semble le confirmer (sentant le vent tourner ?) rien de moins qu’un religieux chiite bahreini lui-même, dépasserait largement, surprise des surprises, celui des forces israéliennes depuis la création de leur Etat il y a 65 ans … roi Belschatsar donna un grand festin à ses grands au nombre de mille, et il but du vin en leur présence. (…) En ce moment, apparurent les doigts d’une main d’homme, et ils écrivirent, en face du chandelier, sur la chaux de la muraille du palais royal. Le roi vit cette extrémité de main qui écrivait. Alors le roi changea de couleur, et ses pensées le troublèrent; les jointures de ses reins se relâchèrent, et ses genoux se heurtèrent l’un contre l’autre. (…) Voici l’écriture qui a été tracée: Compté, compté, pesé, et divisé.Et voici l’explication de ces mots. Compté: Dieu a compté ton règne, et y a mis fin. Pesé: Tu as été pesé dans la balance, et tu as été trouvé léger. Divisé: Ton royaume sera divisé, et donne aux Mèdes et aux Perses. Daniel 5: 1-28
Iran and Hezbollah are cooperating with Israel to be able to support Assad. Assad has protected Israel’s border for 40 years. (…) The opposition was going to take over arms, so Israel attacked. There is evidence pointing to this. (…) This assault was intended to support the Assad administration. Abdulkader Saleh (Syrian opposition commander)
More Muslims have died at the hands of fellow Muslims than at the hands of Israel. Sheikh Nasser al-Asfour (Bahraini cleric, al-Wasat daily)
Selon des témoins et des responsables de la sécurité, des centaines d’habitants d’Abou Moussallam, un village du gouvernorat de Guizeh au sud du Caire, ont cerné dimanche la maison d’un musulman chiite après avoir appris qu’un responsable religieux chiite, Hassan Shehata, s’y trouvait. La foule de plusieurs centaines de personnes a tenté d’incendier la maison située dans une ruelle en lançant des cocktails Molotov. Les gens scandaient « Allah Akbar » et « Les chiites sont des infidèles » puis sont entrés en force dans la maison pour en sortir les chiites et les frapper. Quatre personnes ont été tuées, dont Hassan Shehata et son frère, et plusieurs autres blessées. Le Premier ministre égyptien Hicham Qandil a condamné un « crime haineux » qui est « incompatible avec les principes et les enseignements de notre religion tolérante ». À Abou Moussallam, où les habitants qualifient les chiites d’« infidèles », la scène a été filmée avec des téléphones et les images ont circulé abondamment, des habitants expliquant aux journalistes combien ils étaient « fiers » de ce qui s’était passé. « Nous sommes contents de ce qui s’est passé. Ça aurait dû arriver depuis longtemps », a ainsi indiqué Mohammad Ismaïl, recueillant l’approbation autour de lui. Selon un habitant s’exprimant sous le couvert de l’anonymat, les gens étaient "furieux contre Shehata car il a récemment convaincu plusieurs habitants de se convertir au chiisme". L’Orient le jour
Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims. Heinsohn and Pipes (2007)
The Syrian conflict has already killed five to 10 times as many people in a mere two years – anywhere from 80,000 to 120,000, depending on whose estimate you believe – as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has in the entire 65 years of Israel’s existence (about 15,000). And that’s without even mentioning the ongoing Muslim-on-Muslim carnage in places like Iraq (almost 2,000 killed in the last three months) or Pakistan, much less historical events like the Iran-Iraq War of 1980-88, which killed more than one million people. Commentary
Attention: un bilan peut en cacher un autre !
A l’heure où nos apprentis-sorciers de gouvernants et leurs amis pompiers-pyromanes qataris et saoudiens s’apprêtent à officialiser leur aide financière et militaire …
Aux barbares crieurs de allah akbar de la version syrienne du prétendu "printemps arabe" …
Contre leurs frères ennemis de l’Iran et du Hezbollah pour un bilan qui pourrait se chiffrer en centaines de milliers de victimes …
Et où de son côté l’un des commandants desdites forces d’opposition au régime syrien dénonce (on ne rit pas !) la collusion de l’Etat d’Israël avec l’Iran et ses affidés du Hezbollah …
Remise des pendules à l’heure, avec les chiffres de 2007 du magazine Frontpage, sur le vrai bilan, dans sa propre région du monde, de la religion d’amour de paix et de tolérance …
Qui, comme semble le confirmer (sentant le vent tourner ?) rien de moins qu’un religieux chiite bahreini lui-même, dépasserait largement, surprise des surprises, celui des forces israéliennes depuis la création de leur Etat il y a 65 ans …
Gunnar Heinsohn and Daniel Pipes
October 08, 2007
The Arab-Israeli conflict in the global imagination.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is often said, not just by extremists, to be the world’s most dangerous conflict – and, accordingly, Israel is judged the world’s most belligerent country.
For example, British prime minister Tony Blair told the U.S. Congress in July 2003 that “Terrorism will not be defeated without peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Here it is that the poison is incubated. Here it is that the extremist is able to confuse in the mind of a frighteningly large number of people the case for a Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel.” This viewpoint leads many Europeans, among others, to see Israel as the most menacing country on earth.
But is this true? It flies in the face of the well-known pattern that liberal democracies do not aggress; plus, it assumes, wrongly, that the Arab-Israeli conflict is among the most costly in terms of lives lost.
To place the Arab-Israeli fatalities in their proper context, one of the two co-authors, Gunnar Heinsohn, has compiled statistics to rank conflicts since 1950 by the number of human deaths incurred. Note how far down the list is the entry in bold type.
Conflicts since 1950 with over 10,000 Fatalities*
1 40,000,000 Red China, 1949-76 (outright killing, manmade famine, Gulag)
2 10,000,000 Soviet Bloc: late Stalinism, 1950-53; post-Stalinism, to 1987 (mostly Gulag)
3 4,000,000 Ethiopia, 1962-92: Communists, artificial hunger, genocides
4 3,800,000 Zaire (Congo-Kinshasa): 1967-68; 1977-78; 1992-95; 1998-present
5 2,800,000 Korean war, 1950-53
6 1,900,000 Sudan, 1955-72; 1983-2006 (civil wars, genocides)
7 1,870,000 Cambodia: Khmer Rouge 1975-79; civil war 1978-91
8 1,800,000 Vietnam War, 1954-75
9 1,800,000 Afghanistan: Soviet and internecine killings, Taliban 1980-2001
10 1,250,000 West Pakistan massacres in East Pakistan (Bangladesh 1971)
11 1,100,000 Nigeria, 1966-79 (Biafra); 1993-present
12 1,100,000 Mozambique, 1964-70 (30,000) + after retreat of Portugal 1976-92
13 1,000,000 Iran-Iraq-War, 1980-88
14 900,000 Rwanda genocide, 1994
15 875,000 Algeria: against France 1954-62 (675,000); between Islamists and the government 1991-2006 (200,000)
16 850,000 Uganda, 1971-79; 1981-85; 1994-present
17 650,000 Indonesia: Marxists 1965-66 (450,000); East Timor, Papua, Aceh etc, 1969-present (200,000)
18 580,000 Angola: war against Portugal 1961-72 (80,000); after Portugal’s retreat (1972-2002)
19 500,000 Brazil against its Indians, up to 1999
20 430,000 Vietnam, after the war ended in 1975 (own people; boat refugees)
21 400,000 Indochina: against France, 1945-54
22 400,000 Burundi, 1959-present (Tutsi/Hutu)
23 400,000 Somalia, 1991-present
24 400,000 North Korea up to 2006 (own people)
25 300,000 Kurds in Iraq, Iran, Turkey, 1980s-1990s
26 300,000 Iraq, 1970-2003 (Saddam against minorities)
27 240,000 Columbia, 1946-58; 1964-present
28 200,000 Yugoslavia, Tito regime, 1944-80
29 200,000 Guatemala, 1960-96
30 190,000 Laos, 1975-90
31 175,000 Serbia against Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, 1991-1999
32 150,000 Romania, 1949-99 (own people)
33 150,000 Liberia, 1989-97
34 140,000 Russia against Chechnya, 1994-present
35 150,000 Lebanon civil war, 1975-90
36 140,000 Kuwait War, 1990-91
37 130,000 Philippines: 1946-54 (10,000); 1972-present (120,000)
38 130,000 Burma/Myanmar, 1948-present
39 100,000 North Yemen, 1962-70
40 100,000 Sierra Leone, 1991-present
41 100,000 Albania, 1945-91 (own people)
42 80,000 Iran, 1978-79 (revolution)
43 75,000 Iraq, 2003-present (domestic)
44 75,000 El Salvador, 1975-92
45 70,000 Eritrea against Ethiopia, 1998-2000
46 68,000 Sri Lanka, 1997-present
47 60,000 Zimbabwe, 1966-79; 1980-present
48 60,000 Nicaragua, 1972-91 (Marxists/natives etc,)
49 51,000 Arab-Israeli conflict 1950-present
50 50,000 North Vietnam, 1954-75 (own people)
51 50,000 Tajikistan, 1992-96 (secularists against Islamists)
52 50,000 Equatorial Guinea, 1969-79
53 50,000 Peru, 1980-2000
54 50,000 Guinea, 1958-84
55 40,000 Chad, 1982-90
56 30,000 Bulgaria, 1948-89 (own people)
57 30,000 Rhodesia, 1972-79
58 30,000 Argentina, 1976-83 (own people)
59 27,000 Hungary, 1948-89 (own people)
60 26,000 Kashmir independence, 1989-present
61 25,000 Jordan government vs. Palestinians, 1970-71 (Black September)
62 22,000 Poland, 1948-89 (own people)
63 20,000 Syria, 1982 (against Islamists in Hama)
64 20,000 Chinese-Vietnamese war, 1979
65 19,000 Morocco: war against France, 1953-56 (3,000) and in Western Sahara, 1975-present (16,000)
66 18,000 Congo Republic, 1997-99
67 10,000 South Yemen, 1986 (civil war)
*All figures rounded. Sources: Brzezinski, Z., Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century, 1993; Courtois, S., Le Livre Noir du Communism, 1997; Heinsohn, G., Lexikon der Völkermorde, 1999, 2nd ed.; Heinsohn, G., Söhne und Weltmacht, 2006, 8th ed.; Rummel. R., Death by Government, 1994; Small, M. and Singer, J.D., Resort to Arms: International and Civil Wars 1816-1980, 1982; White, M., “Death Tolls for the Major Wars and Atrocities of the Twentieth Century,” 2003.
This grisly inventory finds the total number of deaths in conflicts since 1950 numbering about 85,000,000. Of that sum, the deaths in the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1950 include 32,000 deaths due to Arab state attacks and 19,000 due to Palestinian attacks, or 51,000 in all. Arabs make up roughly 35,000 of these dead and Jewish Israelis make up 16,000.
These figures mean that deaths Arab-Israeli fighting since 1950 amount to just 0.06 percent of the total number of deaths in all conflicts in that period. More graphically, only 1 out of about 1,700 persons killed in conflicts since 1950 has died due to Arab-Israeli fighting.
(Adding the 11,000 killed in the Israeli war of independence, 1947-49, made up of 5,000 Arabs and 6,000 Israeli Jews, does not significantly alter these figures.)
In a different perspective, some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.
Comments: (1) Despite the relative non-lethality of the Arab-Israeli conflict, its renown, notoriety, complexity, and diplomatic centrality will probably give it continued out-sized importance in the global imagination. And Israel’s reputation will continue to pay the price. (2) Still, it helps to point out the 1-in-1,700 statistic as a corrective, in the hope that one day, this reality will register, permitting the Arab-Israeli conflict to subside to its rightful, lesser place in world politics.
Professor Heinsohn is director of the Raphael-Lemkin-Institut für Xenophobie- und Genozidforschung at the University of Bremen. Mr. Pipes ( is director of the Middle East Forum.

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